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We know that there are still lots of questions about the Parish Center project. While we've done our best to answer the most common ones here, we know we've missed something.  Send them along to our Contact Form, and we'll do our best to answer them as quickly as possible.



Will the upper level be fully built out on this project?


Yes. In 2012, we proposed a multi-step plan, where the upper level would be completed as a follow-up project to reduce total costs. We clearly heard that our community did not want to wait to have this important space ready. So today, we have anticipated the completion of all of the floors as part of our $8M building project.


Will digging down further cause this lower level to flood?


No. While the lower level of the Parish Center is expected to be about five feet lower than it is in our current building, the new design also includes modern waterproofing and foundation technology that did not exist when the parish hall was build 150 years ago. Consequently, we expect it to be drier than the current building.


Can the building incorporate a green roof or rooftop deck?


We know that there is strong support in the community for a "green roof" design.  In order to keep the costs manageable, we will not be incorporating a green roof in this project - but will build the structure so that it can support the add-on of solar paneling in the future which will lower our energy costs and carbon footprint.


What will change in the Sanctuary?


In order to keep costs to a more manageable amount, we have focused this project on the Parish Hall replacement, not the Sanctuary. The only difference we will see in that space is the northeast corner (where the stairs and elevator lift currently are) and in the sacristy where that room connects to the new building. Because the main level of the new Parish Center will be at the same grade as the pews, these stairs and lift will no longer be needed. They will be replaced by a simple door leading to the Center's main entrance and main-floor bathrooms.


While there are a number of improvements that we know are important to parishioners (including organ repair, stained glass window repair, and floor replacement), each would add at least $500k to the total project costs. We believe those are appropriate projects to pursue in follow-up campaigns in future years.


Where will we prepare food in the new building?


On the main level, there will be a warming kitchen that can support Sunday morning coffee hours and support for small meetings.


The lower level kitchen is more than twice the size of our current kitchen, providing a lot of space for Care For Friends' meal program - and the integrated elevator can be used by caterers who service weddings or larger events (like a wedding reception or anniversary party) on the main level.

Should we prefer to have a meal served in a way that allows guests to see the cooks in the kitchen (perhaps for the Service Project dinner), the event can also be hosted entirely on the lower level.


What about parking?


The new building project will still include a modest parking lot which will be updated to include some landscaping. Additional parking on Sundays will still be available two blocks over at the Lurie Children's Outpatient Center garage for free. 




Questions About the Existing Building


Is the current building Landmarked? How would the new building change things?


Although none of the buildings on the COS campus are historical landmarks on their own, Fullerton Parkway is a landmark historical district - which largely locks in place the front facade of all buildings up and down the street.


Among other things, this means that we cannot make a curb cut into the parking lot from Fullerton Parkway.


Fortunately, we are not planning to make any changes to the Sanctuary building, and so no changes will happen to the front facade. The Parish Center largely fits the same footprint as the current Parish Hall (behind the worship building), is the same height as the current building, and there will only be minor changes noticeable around the parking lot door.


We have had early conversations with all relevant permitting and landmarking bodies, and have gotten initial approval from them on these plans.


Is the current building out of code compliance with the city?


This is a topic that we know many in the COS community have talked a lot about. As a 150-year-old building, it certainly was not built up to present-day building codes.


However, due to the age of the building, our current structure is "grandfathered in" - and so we are not in violation of any City codes.


That said, if we were to add any additional square footage to the building, or undertake any renovations (like a new roof or added bathroom) that cost more than 15% of the value of the building, our "grandfathered" status would be nullified, and we would need to bring the entire building up to modern code.


Firewall separation between the Sanctuary and the Parish Hall, in particular, is one of the major code issues that would need to be addressed. Our best estimate is that it would cost $1.5M to get in compliance with that issue alone - and we would get no benefit of improved program spaces by doing so. That's why we have spend the last ten years planning for this larger Community Center project.


Is the building really at its end of life?


This is another topic that we know the COS community has had a lot of discussions about. To be clear, the current parish hall is not inherently dangerous or unsafe to be in. 


As homeowners in older buildings can attest - there is no telling exactly when "end of life" happens. Do we think that the roof will collapse in the next few months? Probably not. Do we think it's likely to need replacement in the next ten years? Probably. Exactly when - we don't know. But we do know that our 150-year-old, wood-frame Parish Hall was originally constructed to be a "temporary" meeting place when the sanctuary was being built. It has certainly been fully depreciated in value, and we have determined that it would not be good stewardship to continue to operate in this building without a plan for replacement.



The Existing Building
Questions About Money


I made a pledge in the 2012 Campaign. What is the status of that money?​


If you made payments to your pledge in 2012, they are part of the $768k currently in the bank that will be directed towards this project, or are part of the $276k that has already been spent on campaign expenses to date.​ 


We know that circumstances have changed for many parishioners since that campaign - some will no longer be able to fulfil their pledge, and some will be capable of contributing much more. Therefore, we are asking every parishioner to make a new pledge to this campaign.


Please contact us at if you have specific questions about your prior pledge status. 


Will COS be able to afford to operate a newer, larger building?


Yes. Although the new building will have 33% more square footage than the current Parish Hall, the new building will be much better insulated and more energy efficient than our 150 year old wood frame structure.


There can be a lot of number crunching done on it, but we estimate that the operating costs will be about the same in the new building as there is in the current one.


For this reason, we are confident that we will be able to afford day-to-day life in the new building - even before considering potential rental income that the new building could create.


Is COS currently financially stable? It seems like less people go to church these days?


Yes. Although COS is not rapidly growing in numbers, we have remained remarkably stable - even in a time when other churches have seen serious declines in membership. We've also seen consistent increases in annual giving and run a balanced budget each year.


Who owns the current building and land?


We know that there has been a lot of confusion on this topic over the years. Simply stated, COS owns both the land and the buildings on all of it - but the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago has the right to take it over should the parish fail.


That's why they get a say in any mortgages or debt we would take out on the building - and why they've set $1.5M as the maximum amount we could get for this project. 


What will be the relationship between COS and Care for Friends in the new building?


The Vestry has negotiated a long-term lease with Care For Friends' Board of Directors. 


How are we prioritizing other projects against this one?


As a vibrant parish, we know that there are many hopes and dreams for new projects in the building - including a new organ, restoration of the stained glass windows, the buildout of a green roof on the Parish Center, and more.


Fortunately, each of these projects carries a relatively small price-tag - measured in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, rather than the millions the Parish Center costs. Once the new building is completed, we are confident that we can take on smaller fundraising efforts to fund each of these projects - and the Vestry will actively solicit everybody's input into which should come first.


Similarly, if our fundraising on this campaign overachieves its goal - we will also have a parish-wide conversation about which projects to immediately fund with the overage.




Questions About Timing and Life In Transition


When will the project start? When will we be in the new building?


We will not begin construction until we know that we have funding committments in place to complete all of the work. Because we are in the middle of the fundraising process, we do not have a specific date set.


From beginning to end, the full project will take 16 months (including a generous contingency - if all goes well, it could be as fast as 11!). We will not need to be away from the building for that entire time, and will give good consideration to the liturgical calendar, summer vacation schedules, and more when choosing the actual start and end date.


That said, the Care For Friends contribution is contingent on finishing the work it funds sometime in 2022. This doesn't mean that the entire building must be finished in that time - but whatever work their money goes towards does need to be completed. This is an important reason why we need to move quickly through the final stages of our fundraising campaign and get started SOON. 


Where will church life happen during construction?


Over the years, we have spoken with a number of nearby churches and schools who have been willing to house us temporarily during construction. Once we have a specific starting date, we will take the necessary steps to finalize which of these options is best for us - and enter into a final agreement with them.


We will also have continuous access to the Rectory for the duration of the project, which can serve as a temporary home for many small group activities.


Finally, our life during the Pandemic has taught us how to connect well online. Post-pandemic, we expect to have a physical worship space during construction, but know that we can also bring that experience online effectively, too.






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530 West Fullerton Parkway

Chicago, Illinois 60614

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